I would begin with an oat meal mask
stir oatmeal into a small amount of water hot water to make a paste then apply to face let dry. wipe excess with terry cloth then rinse face in hot water push nose back to let out excess oils use a mild facial scrub to lift excess dirt. get a facial brush from a dollar store some times they are hard to find or order one .circular motion with the facial brush towards the ears.Which is best face wash for male to remove dirt and also should suit Indian skin?
Any face wash with an exfoliator will best suit to remove dirt on the skin and deep into your pores. However, i would suggest you try out a few and see which ones work best for you. As, what works for others may not work for you. All in all i suggest using products such as Clinique and Lancome...they are guaranteed quality!
SOS pads would work for indians.
I would recommend the Joesoef Skin Care Anti-Acne Sulfur Soap 10%. It uses natural sulfur, and your skin feels really clean after using it. The scent is nice, and it would be strong enough for a man. I've done lots of research on using sulfur, and it is supposed to be really good for anti-bacterial and anti-fungal purposes. Plus, you can use it on your face and body!
Tolsom is the best, my husband also use it and we are also Indians. To check by yourself,i would recommend u to go on the following site :
SOS pads work great . . .!
What a bunch of worthless answers you got! BUT, try the USANA Gentle Cleanser at the website below. It is a pharmaceutical grde product and has other quality creams to go along. Good luck!
use face wash of oriflame in menz section of the catalouge. its gr8 and will suit Indian Menz skin
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