definitely it's a 3 step system that uses salicylic acid and sodium chlorite to get rid of your breakouts. i'm not sure how to include a picture in an answer but the link at the bottom gives more information about the system.…What is the best face wash for acne that you have used?
clean and clear from walmart, also get yourself a bottle of witch hazel and some square cotten makeup pads.use one of the scrubing pads, wash your face with the scrubbing pads at least 2 times a day. rinse your face with splashing water on your face with your hands, no germs from a wash cloth. then wipe your face with the cotton square, with witch hazle on it. i fact you can put several cotton squares with witch on them in a plastic zip lock bag for having in your purse. when you go into the girls room between classes wipe your face with a cotton square, and discard it. acne is your over active hormones having a temper tantrum. keep up keeping your face clean and it will start to dry up and heal, but no picking, you could scar yourself. may i make a suggestion, a smile on your face and a cheery word is going to make people look at you beyond your face, go get them honey.
Honey! It's the perfect cleanser, it's inexpensive, it doesn't dry out your skin, and it gets rid of acne amazingly. Also to get rid of pimples quickly, put honey on the pimple and cover it with a band-aid before you go to sleep and your pimple(s) will go away or shrink a lot overnight. Also remember to exfoliate, I use salt to exfoliate, and I scrub fairly hard, but don't scrub so hard that it damages your skin. Using diluted (with water) vitamin E oil for a moisturizer will make your skin glow, prevent scarring, and won't clog your pores.
I would have to say differin if used daily, with a moisturizer, it is a perscription from the doctor and it works really well, also my friend used this pill called accutane for her birthday, she is 13 so the doctor had to give her blood tests but she didn't mind it worked awesomly
I use Aveeno Clear Complexion Cream Cleanser... I also LOVE St. Ives Apricot Scrub!!!!……
Hope this helps!
clean and clear advantage kit :D
i ♥ it! it works soo well i havent had acne in weeks :D
its totally worth it…
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