Thursday, December 24, 2009

Is it ok to wash ur face 3 times a day?

I have an oily and with acnes face. Because that everytime i come back from school , i am required to wash my face because it is oily and dirty. So if i wash 2 more times in the morning and at night is it ok? Or can anyone recommend me to take away 1 time that is not so necessary.Is it ok to wash ur face 3 times a day?
Cleanse twice a day, no more. Unless you have exposed your skin to excessive dust, grime or pollution, twice-a-day cleansing is more than adequate for any skin type. Cleansing too often strips your skin of precious natural oils. Not cleansing regularly, particularly before you retire for the night, may lead to build-up and eruptionsIs it ok to wash ur face 3 times a day?
It's fine, just don't scrub like a psycho. Massage gently, 'cause when you do scrub excessively, it actually makes spots worse.

And don't just use water, maybe ';Clearasil'; or even soap, any cleansing products.

If you really wanna get a clear facee, put a couple of drops of ';Tea Tree Oil'; into the sink when you wash your face. You can get it from ';Holland and Barrett';, or at any big supermarket or organic shop, it's not too expensive.

But it really does work.


Water is the best medicine to rid away acne. whether you consume more water or wash your face with water, it will always benefit you.

Just see that you use plain water for the face wash (Avoid more usage of soap or moisturisers etc on your face).
Yeah,that's what i do.I wash it once in the morning when i wake up and put on my acne creams and everything.And then i wash it again after school and then at night as well.

Hope i helped! =]
Perfectly fine! Try getting an acne cleanser. It will help keep the oil away between washes. I know acne sucks and you are probably really frustrated with it. Hang in there, it will go away eventually.

Is this what you are talking about????
It is definitely fine. You can wash your face anytime you want.
Try an acne cleanser. They are drying, but if that's what you want, go ahead and try
yea its

ok i use to do it when i had really

bad acne

but it cleared up
Yep that's fine
No if you wash it more than twice you end up washing off your skin.

What a stupid Question

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